They didn’t, but man, what a show that would have been! The rivalry between the two since Ronnie took over from Ozzy in Black Sabbath is probably one of the most written about and discussed pseudo/neo/never actually really happened spats in heavy metal history. Sure, Ozzy was pissed that Sabbath kicked him out, especially for being drunk and out of control, when to quite a large degree, they were all drunk and out of control. And yes, Ozzy was not, and is not some kind of singer by numbers. He is Ozzy, and more so than the Highlander, there really can be only one. Nobody can do it quite like he does. But then again… Ronnie was also utterly unique, as different to Ozzy as coal is to diamonds. And yes, Sabbath were in a tight spot in ‘79, and if it hadn’t worked with Ronnie, would Black Sabbath have folded there and then? Quite possibly. Whatever the what-ifs on that one, though, Ronnie took Black Sabbath into new territory, and to new heights. And yes, they both said things, did things...