How would people survive without electricity?

 Well, the good news is that people would survive.

It’s important to remember that for most of the time that humans have existed, they managed pretty well without electricity, internet and all the rest of that stuff.

Empires rose and fell long before electricity was discovered.

After the apocalypse, any apocalypse, people would find shelter pretty quickly.

Instincts would also take over, maybe not in a linear way, and sure, mistakes would be made.

Finding food and water would be discovered, and learning to make fire would be up at the top of the list.

Of course, rather then learning everything from scratch, a lot of legacy bits and bobs will still be hanging around.

And unless there’s a global amnesia type apocalypse going on, like the one that I imagined up, people will remember things, and that will be a big help.

In short, people would survive, how they do that is as varied as the human condition itself.
