Most and least essential post-apocalyptic occupations
In the post apocalyptic world I created in Berkshire, England, it goes something like this.
- Healer, because there’s no NHS anymore (you’ll miss it when it’s gone)
2. Farmer, because you need food, and hunter gatherers, well, they’ll never bring enough bacon in to feed everyone.
3. Builder, to keep any surviving structures in good enough nick to keep you warm and dry.
4. Leader. Well, not everyone can be in charge, but a small group of survivors need to kick in together, and that won’t happen without someone credible in charge. Meet Silver, the leader in my created world. Or at least, someone just like her.
5. Fighters, soldiers, defenders. Whatever you want to call them, you might be a peace loving society, but not everyone will be, and they just might want a bit of what you’ve got.
6. Explorers, because in a world where nothing’s made anymore, it’s essential that you find and secure any stockpiles of…whatever.
7. Researchers. Stuff needs to be learned, maybe re-learned. So people who can read and understand any remaining books and theories will be highly valued.
8. Cleaners. Sounds too basic to be true, but hygiene and sanitation drills need to be absolutely on point. An epidemic/pandemic out here, and it’s game over.
9. Entertainers. Sound weird? You try living in a post apocalyptic society, one breath away from extinction, with nothing to look forward to in your downtime and see how far you get.
10. Villains/enemies, whatever. You just gotta have a boogieman to unite the tribe in a common mission, facing a common threat.
So that’s my 10.
Obsolete? Well okay then. 1, politicians, 2, lawyers, 3, estate agents, 4, reporters, 5, celebrities, 6, taxi drivers (sorry lads), 7, travel agents, 8, people smugglers, 9, drug dealers, 10, anything religious.
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