The theory of modern camouflage


The theory is to break up the shape and blend you in with the background. Some patter work better than others. The British military used DPM from the 60’s to about 2010. It was used in temperate and tropical operations. In the Gulf War, having sold their desert uniforms to Iraq four years earlier, the MOD quickly introduced desert DPM.

The US used woodland pattern, very similar.

The French used Camouflage Central Europe

While the Germans used the super-cool Flecktarn

Pixelated pattern came and quickly went

My personal favourite is Rhodesian brush stroke.

In recent years, there has been a move towards Multi-Terrain Pattern, which allows troops to use the same pattern for desert and temperate/tropical operations.

Loads of research goes into the different patterns, but the theory remains the same, to break up the soldier’s shape and to blend him or her into the background.

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