Sister Alex, possible book covers
Berkshire, England, and it’s no longer the promised land.
Ever since a species-wide illness wiped out nearly every human being, it’s become a gender-based battlefield.
The women stick together as a single, cohesive community, but only as long as you’re a woman.
And it’s the same for the men, although they haven’t quite got the same group thing going, choosing instead to range as lone threats, taking what they want. Sometimes they operate in ones and twos, but only as long as you’re a man.
They’re separate tribes, and they hate each other on sight. Pick your gender, pick your side.
And then there’s Alex, born as a man, identifies as a woman, and thanks to a stash of scavenged hormones, she’s stuck somewhere between the two, lost in the middle and hated by them all.
But she’s survived, and if what’s left of the world won’t leave her alone, maybe she can teach what’s left of the world to accept her.
And maybe she’s the one person that can teach them the secret of working together, even though that’s something no one has done for a long time.
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